The LinuxDC (Linux on Dreamcast) Project aims to fully support the Linux kernel and operating system on the Sega Dreamcast game console. We hope to provide tools, binaries, documentation, and application software that enable users of LinuxDC to utilize their Dreamcast in ways previously thought not possible.

LinuxDC Status as of March 28th, 2025:

For the latest kernel, please visit our sister site LinuxSH. You should use the 2.6 kernel found in the 'linux' cvs module.

For cross-compiling toolchain (needed in order to build the kernel for the dreamcast from an intel box), please visit the SH-Linux Home Page.

There is an older article about building a mini LinuxDC distro (including tools) at . It was written by Bill Gatliff.

You can track LinuxDC development, ask questions, and voice opinions by subscribing to the LinuxSH mailing lists (the linuxdc and linuxsh dev lists have been unified to simplify things). Visit the mailing lists page for more info, or check our project page for other LinuxDC development resources.

Kiyoshi IKEHARA designed and built a Dreamcast Extension board (dcext) originally based off the work of bITmASTER. Since both their sites have gone offline, FuzzyMuzzle has setup some (hopefully) permanent mirrors.

You can find my attempt to recreate this board (with a lot more documentation :D). I'll update it as I go.

Some peeps over at ElectronsRus are thinking/trying to build an IDE addon board, but they seem to have made no progress. They have a page where you can be notified of developments, but don't expect any :).

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